Public Transportation
If you want to use the public transportation facilities in Pamplona, you have a few options:​
Bus: The bus in Pamplona is called Villavesa. On their webpage you can find all the information you need about timetables, directions, prices,,... Furthermore they also have an app, which is called "Tu Villavesa". Download it on your phone and you will always know when the next bus arrives!
Taxi: The number you should call for a cab is 948 35 13 35. Furthermore, you can find all needed info on their website.
Bicycle rent: If you want to be a little bit more sportive, you can aslo choose to rent a bike!
Train station: Of course you also have the choice to take a train. This could be handy if you want to travel a little bit further than Pamplona. On their webpage, you will find everythign you need!
Airport: If you want to leave Navarra, the best transportation option is still the airport. You can explore many countries during your Erasmus adventroures: enjoy it!