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ADI Manual

When most students get here, everything is one big chaos. A lot of the Erasmusers only get here a few days before the welcoming events, which they spent trying to find their way through the city, figuring out where the university is and basically to unpack their stuff and try to create some kind of structure to begin their lifes here.


Once the welcoming days start, you have no more time left to do any of those things. Being an international student, you receive a lot of information during the welcoming days and you also start to realize that there aren’t nearly as many hours in a day as you could use. You meet a bunch of new people from all over the world, you attend various information sessions designed to increase the awareness of the University and its services such as financial aid, health insurance, housing, immigration procedures, how to open a bank account, where to buy a mobile phone, libraries, sports services, WIFI etc.

Basically, the only thing nobody really explains is ADI. I’ll try to explain everything about this very important website as clearly as possible.


Let’s meet ADI !


First things first. You go to the homepage of the university website. Since we think most students are more fluent in English than in Spanish, we prefer to read the website in English. If you want to read it in Spanish, you just have to click on the tab ‘versión Española’ in the black banner above the university logo. Next to that tab, on your left, you’ll see another tab called ‘Aula virtual ADI’. Click on it and hold on tight because this is where all the fun starts!   


Right now you’ll see the screen below appear. The easiest and quickest way to enter ADI is to ignore everything on your next screen and just to click on the big red word ‘ACCEDER’, which means ‘access’ in English. You did nothing wrong, you just have to know that ADI is in Spanish. That’s one way to improve your languages right?! 


Another magical screen appears with a lot of options and buttons waiting to be clicked on. But then again, the easiest and quickest way to enter ADI is just to leave everything the way it is and click the tab in black ‘siguiente >>’ which means ‘next’ in English. 


For the ones who thought you would be done clicking by now; THINK AGAIN! But no worries, the end is near! Right now, all you have to do is fill in your user identification. In the first box you need to type your  â€˜nombre de usuario’, username in English. This is the e-mail address you received from the university. In the second box you need to type your ‘contraseña’, which means password in English. When you filled in this information you click on the black tab below ‘entrar’ to (finally) enter ADI.



You did it!


Welcome to ADI! This screen is your personalized home page where you can find all the information you need about ‘mis asignaturas’; your courses, ‘mis novedades’, your news’, …


Let us give you an example: Elien is in her last year of Office Management and in her home-university, her education is very broad with a lot of languages, law courses, communication courses, … therefore she was able to choose courses from the Amigos building and Fcom (Facultad de Communicación).


Under the title ‘mis asgnaturas’ you can find all your registered courses. You can select each of them individually to see the content of a course. Right now, I’ll show you an example of this course ‘Multimedia Communication (Fcom).


Basically the idea is very simple, once you get to know ADI a little bit. On the left side you have kind a large number of different tabs, each of them leading you to different information about a course. When you click on’ Overview’ of a course you see some general info for example: course name, degree, faculty, year, course schedule, ECTS, requirements, instructor, type of course, subject, web page, schedule, language, classroom, …


When you click on the tab ‘competences’, you get information about the skills and the abilities learned in the course and the degree.


The tab ‘syllabus’ shows you the class schedule, what the professor will discuss throughout the semester. Here you’ll also find out which assignments and tests are waiting for you.


The fourth tab ‘learning activities’ sums up the amount of hours you’ll have to be in class, how many assignments you’ll have to do and how much time you’ll have to spend on them, presentations, group projects, whether or not there’ll be a midterm exam, …


The next tab ‘Evaluation’ speaks for itself. How many grades you’ll be able to earn on each assignment, group project, presentation, midterm, blog, …


The tab ‘Bibliography and resources’ contain the names and most of the time the links to books, PowerPoint Presentations, tips & tricks, … I would suggest you consult all the links since this is a summary of what a professor finds interesting and therefore could ask questions about on the exam.


The last tab ‘Office Hours’, simply tells you when the professor is available in his office or how you could get in contact with him through e-mail etc.


Below the title ‘Area Interna’ is another very interesting tab ‘announcements’. This is a summary list of every announcement the professor has put on ADI in the past. These announcements are most of the time about assignments, deadlines, classroom changements, …


If you want to see all the new announcements of all your courses in one glance, you need to click on the downwards arrow  on your top right and then you click on the alarm pictogram. 


Now that you’ve read this short manual for the ADI system, we are convinced that you’ll be able to find everything you need in a blink of an eye. If not, don’t hesitate and sent an e-mail with your specific question to

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