
Uxue MartÃnez de Zuazo
Uxue MartÃnez de Zuazo is an 18 year-old student of Audiovisual Communications at the University of Navarra. She was born and raised in Pamplona and wants to become a film director and a scriptwriter. In her free time she enjoys going to the cinema and listening to music.
Pamplona, Spain

Elien Van der Jeucht
Elien Van der Jeucht is a final year Economics student from Belgium. This semester she is an Erasmus student at the University of Navarra but next semester she’ll do her graduation internship in Spain as well at the Office for Housing of International Students. She also speaks 5 languages (Dutch, French, English, Spanish and German)!
Gent, Belgium

Jana de Tandt
She is a 22-year old girl from Belgium, studying Economics. This year she is an Erasmus student in Pamplona. During the first semester she is taking her final classes at the UNAV, enjoying as much of the Spanish culture as possible. In the second semester she is going to do her internship with Volkswagen Navarra, while she is writing her final thesis. In her free-time she enjoys going to the theatre, doing some sports and going out with friends.
Zottegem, Belgium

Eduardo Guida
Eduardo Guida Vilaseca is an 18 year old student of Advertising and Public Relations at the University of Navarra. He was born in the south of France and moved between Paris and Scotland for over 5 years to then settle in the south of Spain. There, he studied to enter University. He mostly enjoys playing music and spending time with his girlfriend. He really wants to become a monopolist.
Paris, France

Jack MartÃnez
Jack is an 18 year old freshman from Washington, D.C. studying Advertising and Marketing. In the next four years he'll study both at Navarra and Limerick. He enjoys life in Pamplona and aspires to work as an advertiser in Iberia.
Washington, D.C., USA